Frogs and Toads
This is a list of frog species found in Iowa. The data on the individual pages is found in the Iowa DNR publication "The Salamanders and Frogs of Iowa" which can be procured from the DNR. This data is reprinted with the permission of the Iowa DNR.
Rana pipens, Northern Leopard Frog
Rana blairi, Plains Leopard Frog
Rana utricularia, Southern Leopard Frog
Hyla versicolor, Gray Tree Frog
Hyla chrysoscelis, Gray Tree Frog
Pseudacris crucifer, Spring Peeper
Pseudacris triseriata, Western Chorus Frog
Acris crepitans, Cricket Frog
Bufo americanus, American Toad
Bufo woodhousei, Woodhouse's Toad
Bufo cognatus, Great Plains Toad
Scaphiopus bombifrons, Plains Spadefoot